The Korean Diaspora Project: Koreans in New Zealand

Butcher, Andrew, and George Wieland. ‘God and golf: Koreans in New Zealand.’ New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 15, no. 2 (December 2013): 57–77.

Ho, Elsie S.; LIDGARD, Jacqueline M.. GHO, Elsie S.; LIDGARD, Jacqueline M.. Give Us A Chance: The Employment Experiences of New Settlers From East Asia. Labour, Employment and Work in New Zealand, [S.l.], nov. 1996. ISSN 2463-2600. doi:

Hong, Seong-Yun, and Yoon, Hong-key. ‘Ethno-economic satellite: the case of Korean residential clusters in Auckland.’ Population, Space and Place 20 (2014): 277–292.

Inshil Choe Yoon and Hong-key Yoon, ‘Koreans’, Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 11 June 2019)
** good, comprehensive summary

Kang, Sophie (Kyung-mi), and Stephen Page. ‘Tourism, migration and emigration: travel patterns of Korea-New Zealanders in the 1990s.’ In Migration and travel between Asia and New Zealand, 19–36. Albany: Asia-Pacific Migration Research Network, 2000.

Kim, Doo-Chul, and Hong-key Yoon. ‘Reality in paradise: a pilot study of Korean immigrants in New Zealand using the 1996 census.’ In The new geography of human mobility – inequality trends? Rome: IGU Home of Geography, 2003.

Kim, Kichung. “Affliction and Opportunity: Korean Literature in Diaspora, a Brief Overview.” Korean Studies 25, no. 2 (2001): 261-76.

Lidgard, Jacqueline, and Hong-key Yoon. ‘The employment experiences of recent Korean immigrants in New Zealand.’ In Labour, employment and work in New Zealand, edited by P. Morrison, 263–275. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1998.

Park, Hong-Jae and Anglem, Jim. The ‘transnationality’ of Koreans, Korean families and Korean communities in Aotearoa New Zealand – implications for social work practice [online]. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2012: 31-40. Availability: <;dn=673198860792518;res=IELFSC> ISSN: 1178-5527. [cited 11 Jun 19].

Song, C. (2013). Ethnic Entrepreneurship of Korean New Zealanders: Restaurant Business as Self-Employment Practice. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, 15(2), 94-109. Retrieved from