Museums, Cultural Centers & Historical Sites
While there is no single way to explore the Korean diaspora, there are many museums, cultural centers, and historical sites all over the world that offer insights into Korean migration and settlement histories. If you have visited any of these (or other) places, please share your experience with us.
The Museum of Korea Emigration History, Incheon, Korea
Korean American National Museum (open 2020), Los Angeles, CA
Museo Conmemorativo de la inmigracion Coreana, Merida, Mexico
The Immigration Museum of the State of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Korean American Historical Society, Seattle, Washington
The Korean Legation Building, Washington, D.C.
Museo Kim Yun Shin, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Centro Cultural Coreano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Koryo Museum of Art, Kyoto, Japan
Kim Pen Xva Museum, Uzbekistan
Hawaii’s Plantation Village, Waipahu, Hawaii
Honolulu Museum of Art, Honolulu, Hawaii
Broken Ridge Buddhist Temple of Korea, Honolulu, Hawaii
Immigration Museum, Melbourne, Victoria
Museum of Korean American Heritage, New York, New York